One of the great frustrations of some marketing professionals is realizing how much the company could improve with digital marketing and not having the support of their boss or management.
I decided to put together some tips here for you who believe in digital marketing and want to convince your superior to invest in this idea.
#1 Understand your boss’s profile
First of all, it is very important that you understand how your boss reads and interprets the world. It may seem silly but it is indisputable that people have the most varied behaviors and thus create their own ways of thinking and making decisions. To help with this endeavor, I will mention some behavioral profiles that we often find out there. See which one is most like your boss and check out the tips to convince him.
visionaryHe has his sights set on phone number data the future. He loves to innovate and likes to get ahead. He may already be investing in digital marketing. If he isn't there yet, it was probably due to lack of time. He likes to plan and is always thinking of new ways to get more results.
His excuse: “I had a new idea…”
Tip: He gets excited easily, but soon gets excited about something new. He is constantly creating new things to do and almost never finishes what he starts. Help him get to the end. It is normal to change strategy when necessary, but actions must follow a plan. Show an action plan with a beginning, middle and end.
logicalExtremely logical, detail-oriented, organized and methodical, he likes numbers, graphs and diagrams. He often judges his own work and the work of others.
His excuse: “we need to structure ourselves better, it has to be perfect”.
Tip: Your decision is made based on logic. Carry out a preliminary study and present numbers that show the potential the company has for growth, how much it is failing to take advantage of opportunities and the consequences of this negligence.

workaholicAchiever by nature, he is focused on tasks. He loves a checklist and won't rest until he finishes what he sets out to do. Nothing remains pending or to be done.
His excuse: “I don’t have time to take care of this.”
Tip: he has little time as he is always very busy. It is common to see him involved with the urgent and not always with the important. Help them understand the importance of digital marketing, but be direct and brief.