Many beautiful words and many beautiful speeches but how do you implement Server-Side tracking?As anticipated, unlike client-side tracking which provides solutions that are completely free and within the reach of any user, Server -Side tracking involves costs that could be particularly expensive for small and medium-sized businesses.
In addition to the costs already mentioned, a good amount of technology is also Bolivia WhatsApp Number required to build the entire structure that allows us to communicate the tracking data to our server space and external services.To date, the most complete solution for Server-Side tracking is through the use of Google Tag Manager . Google Tag Manager, in fact, recently released its brand new server -type container . container for?Well, the name already says a lot. server container you can track all the tags present within the web container also on the server side , both the Google Analytics and Facebook tags.Again, implementation is not child's play if you haven't already dealt with Google Tag Manager and Server-Side tracking . In fact, it involves dealing with:Google Analytics 4 configuration tags (oh yes, I forgot Google Analytics 4 is mandatory for server-side tracking with GTM).Implementation of basic tracking of your site (let's talk about the tags and triggers present on the web container).A server space to connect to the GTM server container.

A web container , a server -type container and dozens of tags, triggers and variables, as well as dozens and dozens of parameters to configure.But how does a Google Tag Manager container server work in practice?The Tag Manager server container works in a very simple way: Google Tag Manager activates a Tag from its Web container which communicates, via client, with the Server container and activates the Server side tags (the GA4 tag or the Facebook tga API) who in turn communicate the requested data directly to external services.