In this process, an email or a phone call is no longer enough. You must work on sequences of messages that will truly nourish the thoughts of your prospects. . Ask prospects the right questions Listening is undoubtedly the greatest quality of a salesperson. The decisionmaker expects a salesperson to make an offer that is perfectly personalized and contextualized to his situation. To meet this challenge, the salesperson must obtain all the information that will allow him to understand the needs, expectations and pain points of his prospects.
Too many BB salespeople give in to the temptation to present their offers from the Albania WhatsApp Number first exchange. Which is ultimately natural given the difficulties they encounter in finding prospects. Dont give in to this temptation! Skipping the steps will not guarantee you signing faster, quite the contrary. Asking the right questions and taking the time to do so is an investment whose returns you will definitely appreciate. salespeople by providing them with information on the history of prospects behavior on the website or in relation to emailings they may have received.

Which naturally brings us to the next point. . Collaborate with marketing Prospecting is no longer just the business of salespeople. Marketing now plays a central role. Since the buyer wants to carry out their purchasing considerations alone and at their own pace, marketing must implement an Inbound Marketing strategy that will allow them to do so. Since the salesperson must take the time to personalize and contextualize his approach, marketing must provide him with qualified and mature leads so that he can allocate to this approach the time he will save by not prospecting. But for all of this to work, its essential that marketing and commerce work hand in hand.