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24,000 people visited the 30th edition of the Crafts Fair









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-5-16 12:12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The president of the Provincial Development Board, Paloma García Casado, makes a good assessment of this year's edition, highlighting that it maintains its excellent level of public attendance and a high degree of satisfaction from the artisans themselves

The Cuenca Crafts Fair has once again achieved new success, which in its thirtieth edition has translated into a slight increase in the number of visitors, which has reached 24,000, and a high degree of satisfaction among exhibitors. It is not surprising, therefore, that the president of the Provincial Development Board, Paloma García Casado, has made a good assessment of this year's edition of the fair, since to the success of the public we must add that around 70 percent of the artisans have been satisfied with the result of this event, as stated in the survey carried out by the Board of Trustees.

The figures therefore support the Provincial Council's Ireland Email List commitment to this fair, which has become one of the most attractive for the artisan sector in our country. Not in vain, despite increasing the number of exhibitors to one hundred, more than fifty were left out after having occupied all of the 3,200 square meters available at the Hípica fairgrounds.

The public has once again responded magnificently to this fair; something that, according to García Casado, has been more than evident in the volume of business, which the Provincial Development Board has estimated at around 130,000 euros, without taking into account the sales that may occur in the near future.

In this regard, the president of the Board of Trustees has drawn attention to the increase experienced by sales with an amount between 501 and 1,000 euros, which, precisely, have been the majority, followed by those between 1,000 and 1,500 euros; those of up to 500; and, finally, those of more than 1,500 euros.

Proof of the good level of sales may well be the large number of buyers who have participated in the two daily raffles of 100 euros each to spend at the fair; a novelty that has also received a more than excellent reception.

Both the public and the exhibitors have highlighted the quality of the assembly and decoration of the stands, in addition to the high quality of the products exhibited by the hundred artisans, without leaving aside the talk-discussion on icons or the five live workshops, which They gathered a large audience throughout the five days of the fair.


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